
What do we take into account when choosing a job?

EccoTechnologies is among the numerous companies that were launched in 2020, with the ambition and desire to live up to today’s challenges and expectations. Various research projects were conducted during this period of time to gain insights on what employees consider to be important today. Certain aspects have gained more visibility and consideration than ever before.

Smaller companies are more popular

Smaller companies mean closer management and a more tight-knit community, so that decisions may be made quicker and more efficiently. This is the reason why, at EccoTechnologies, we have Account managers, Talent managers and Office managers to provide an accessible point of contact for our employees to discuss their expectations and development.

A healthy work environment makes all the difference

A healthy, pleasant work environment isn’t built overnight. At Ecco, we strive to construct a close-knit environment where employees feel engaged, listened to and supported through positive actions and regular follow-ups.

The meaning of what we do takes up more space than ever

The essence of our program « Do more with L.E.S.S. brings particular attention to the last S « Social ». Every Ecco employee can choose to invest their time and their energy in social initiatives they care about. Whether it be giving maths lessons to underprivileged students, taking care of abused animals, cleaning up their beaches or training the elderly to use digital tools, we support your good ideas to contribute to your community!

Work-life balance

For the French, this is an essential part of daily life, and we agree! At EccoTechnologies, we are inspired by the mentality of great sportspeople: there is a time for competition (mission), a time for rest (paid leave), a time for training (certifications) and a time for analysis to keep improving (yearly reviews, mission follow-ups).

eccotechnologies sophia antipolis


In September 2020, Ecco Technologies was selected by CASA (Communauté d’Agglomération Sophia-Antipolis) to be hosted inside the Business Pôle, a hub for Sophia Antipolis’ most innovative and promising start-ups.

CASA hosts multiple projects for the future development of Sophia Antipolis, including one that is very dear to us at Ecco: the Innovation Hub (Pôle Innovation).

The Innovation hub is part of a complex, structured future that will be both an opportunity to showcase Sophia Antipolis and a place for innovation to thrive in the French Silicon Valley.

This project aims to guide and support the creation and development of innovative companies, to encourage interaction between local protagonists (start-ups, engineering schools, companies) as well as to increase the resources that allow the Sophia hub to affirm and spread the word on its attractiveness and competitiveness at the heart of innovation.

This innovative spirit permeates across the 2500 hectares (of which 90% are green) of the SophiaAntipolis tech hub, which is the largest European site of its kind. With its 2500 companies, 3800 employees, 4500 researchers and 5500 students, Sophia Antipolis connects and has connected throughout its 50 year-history (also thanks to France’s second biggest global airport just 20km away) global talent from over 40 countries.


Launching ecco technologies

The desire to create Ecco Technologies sprang from over 10 years of experience in the world of French IT consulting.

Almost a year after the official creation of our consulting company, we have observed that national, European, as well as international sector leaders have confided in us and allowed us to participate in numerous missions, labelling us as one of their preferred suppliers and partners.

We are both satisfied and proud of this achievementfor our company, which gives us the push and drive to keep working like we always have:in the simplest way!

Our structure and size allow us to provide a simple, personalised human experience, right from the beginning, with a short recruitment process (2-3 steps maximum).

“Ordinary people can choose to be extraordinary.”

Elon Musk

We take the time and necessary care to prepare every one of our candidates to meet our clients. We provide this type of coaching to all, especially to our candidates who are fresh out of school and who are not yet fully aware of the working world’s unspoken codes. They are amongst the first to benefit from this type of support, and they are also amongst the first to be satisfied with this process that allows them to prepare for the moment they will be confronted with their chosen industry. Of course, even more experienced candidates can benefit from this kind of coaching.Of course, even more experienced candidates can benefit from this kind of coaching. The world of recruitment processes and culture moves extremely fast, so staying for a long time in one company means we risk missing out on market evolution, so a quick update is always appreciated.

Once onboarded, our employees can enjoy regular HR follow-ups every month and every three months a follow-up session with their account manager and client.

There are many occasions during the year for employees to bring up all of their questionsregarding: career development, work-life balance, training and their participation in the consulting model as well as participation in meet-ups, knowledge-sharing, mobility or any other subject they wish to discuss that ensures their personal and professional well-being.

We also provide and organise more informal gatherings, such as happy hours, team lunches and yearly parties.

Our commitment to active listening and participation for our employees is part of our long-term plan, ensuring a positive experience for all.

We want to create an environment of trust, where like-minded people can share our values of transparency, harmony, compromise and communication to succeed together.